I heard through the phone. My friend was watching ‘FRIENDS’ on television. Just for fun, I asked him to tell me which ‘FRIEND’ he thinks I am. I had taken these quizzes on facebook and of course I know myself too well too. I always knew I was Pheobe. She’s got her own creed. Her principles and friends meant the most to her. She loved animals and cherished family values. Like her, I totally love singing. And of course, I’m a happy person!
I waited for him to say that too. But he got confused. He thought I was a mix of Rachel and Pheobs. My voice raised and said ‘Pheobe!’ He thought for a while and agreed. He just said a very small thing and it got me thinking. “Like her, its as easy for you to bend your words as per your convenience. Remember you told me you wont drink at the party. And in 3 hours you were probably sloshed? Just like Pheobe, who never wanted to wear fur!”
I guess it was a very small example. And to think of it, I do have more examples to give. Like, when Ginie died, I told myself, my parents, that I will not get a new dog now. I don’t think I can give the same love to any other pet now. But, a month after that, I was sitting with a dog on my lap in front of my dad, trying to convince him to keep the pet. (I totally love them!)
I told my friend “I am not going to date ANYBODY now!” twice, after every break up. Umm.. But I did! (Hopeful, every time!)
I hated this guy for over six months. I told myself, my friends, “There is no way I’m getting in touch with him again, EVER!” Today, we chat online, call often and meet sometimes. (Things are smooth.)
There was a time I used to see people doing nothing in life. I used to ask myself “why is he not working? Why can’t she study further? Why are they sitting at home the whole day?” And it’s been seven months that I am home, trying to figure out things, future, life!
(Taking a break!)
They say life is all about making choices. But is it really in our hands? I mean, often we make a choice thinking we will stick to it. But, destiny has probably already planned every step for us. Every move that we plan, might take us through a route that will lead us to where fate wants us to be. And so I would ask all my friends to take things light, don’t be harsh while making a decision, and understand that every word I say is not engraved! (Wink)
“I seldom end up where I wanted to go, but almost always end up where I need to be.” -Douglas Adams.
Wow Chani...whose the Guy whom you hated..??
Wow Chani...whose the friend whom you told u'r not going to date anyone?
amazing post ...just loved it, it's so true and relevant to everybody's life ...
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