If you are a Delhiite,then you will very well understand this post.You must have very well understood(by the headline)-what made me and why,write this as I am sure everybody must be having something to say regarding the trend of killing made by the blueline buses.First,what's making me write this?As I said,everybody,for sure,must be having some comment or thought over this subject and I think its best to convey it this way.Secondly,why?Because I am the public,I am the blueline user and I am one of the responsibles!
Blueline!What comes to your mind when I say blueline?Media and the public gave it many names-killer,killer on wheels,brutal murderer,blood line,strikers and many.A few days ago,everybody knows,blueline made a schoolboy its 100Th victim of the year.100Th victim!!!And a day after that,the series continued.Such drivers,irresponsible and insensitive.Irresponsible for how and the way they drive,always in a hush and breaking traffic rules is what their chart says.Insensitive for the way they react after striking.They know they are in a BIG trouble!Runaway shamelessly,leaving victims helpless.
It is,undoubtedly,necessary for all such drivers to be taken under consideration,but by whom?The government?Why not?But then,whats wrong?Why hasn't any action been taken against people responsible?They say blueline is one of the greatest strength of the ruling party.Is that the reason?If so,we should rather be shameful than being sorry.Destructing human lives is one of the biggest criminal activities that can be done on this earth,but when I read such a much-repetitive news on the newspapers,one thing surely comes in my mind-ain't the government aware of it?Are they not reading the newspapers?Of course they are!And they are taking certain steps,but not sufficient and neither satisfying.Bluelines must permanently be forced to leave the roads of Delhi.The drivers must be given new employment opportunities and jobs but driving,as their skills have already been tested and they are continuing to fail.Why only bluelines?Is it because the drivers know that they have a back-up from the ruling party?Or is it just a mere co-incidence!
All talked about these drivers,lets talk about the public.What happens to the people sitting inside a blueline when one strikes?It is very important for us to speak up as we witness the panoramic.But we don't really do so.Why there are no FRIs or any statement is not given by the witnesses,as they have all the required details about the driver and the bus?I think most of the people who use these buses as their only mode to commute are in a fear that once these buses are banned,it could be the worst thing for them.If we see an undesirable act,we must speak against it.Realise that we could be next!
There are times,in fact most of the times the public is responsible for it.I don't understand,why hang on the doors and stairs of these buses?Why even think of getting on such jam-packed buses?Keeping our own lives on stake and later make our close-ones crib and complain,certainly makes no sense!I was waiting for my college's charted bus on the bus stop when I saw four schoolboys standing right next to me,waiting for their bus.Their bus came(blueline),and it waited for a while there,as these buses generally don't tend to move ahead till the time they collect maximum passengers!Anyway,the bus started,people rushed into the bus,but the four were still waiting,don't know for what.When the bus moved and got a little away from the boys,I noticed them saying"go"and rush to catch the bus!I couldn't believe my eyes.I wondered,what in this world possibly makes such people complain that it's all blueline's fault?
Keep up the good work going dear!!!
this blog is really worth reading by evryone....
hey nic job.... this blog tells the plight of a lot delhiets and also speaks the mind of alot of others ....neva knew the killer bus already killed 100 people...thankx to the bus service blue is rapidly becomin a color of accidents....keep up d good work..proud of u
nyccccccccc.......... mast hai..... all tru thingz... :P :D
hy vry nic, blue line should b eleminatd 4m Delhi
nice one...liked it..very thought provoking..
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